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A Will is one of the most important and cost effective legal documents you will prepare in your lifetime and it should be prepared as soon as possible by a professional and reviewed regularly.  

Preparing a Will which is robust and carefully drafted can protect your beneficiaries and assets and also help to protect your estate from any legal challenges. A professional Will removes ambiguity which a homemade Will can create if not prepared correctly and ensures that your intended beneficiaries receive your estate in accordance with your wishes. 

We will discuss your personal circumstances with you and provide advice and guidance to you to prepare your Will which is tailored to meet your needs and wishes.

It is particularly important to review your Will if your circumstances change, for example:-

  • If you need inheritance tax planning

  • If you own foreign property

  • If you own property or additional property.

  • If you have children/grandchildren

  • If you were to separate, divorce or remarry – you can protect your assets for your loved ones who might otherwise be excluded from benefitting from your estate.

We offer home visits for those unable to travel to the office and a free storage facility for Wills.


Lasting Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and General Powers of Attorney 

Lasting Powers of Attorney have replaced Enduring Powers of Attorneys. Existing Enduring Powers of Attorney are still valid but it can no longer be created.

We can assist in the registration of existing Enduring Powers of Attorney.

Your Lasting Power of Attorney document will appoint Attorneys of your choosing to act on your behalf to manage your affairs for Financial Decisions and/or Health and Care Decisions. 

You must have a mental capacity to create an Lasting Powers of Attorney.  Once created the document needs to be registered at the Office of the Public Guardian.  Lasting Powers of Attorney can be used whilst you retain mental capacity and can be revoked by you at any time whilst you maintain capacity.

There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney which can be created:-

  • Financial Decisions to include property and finances.

  • Health and Care Decisions to include healthcare and personal welfare.

If a Lasting Power of Attorney document has not been created and you or your loved one has lost mental capacity it will be necessary to make an application to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship Order.  This is an expensive and time consuming process.  The Court of Protection will appoint a Deputy to look after the affairs of you or your loved one.

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.  Brighouses Solicitors (Incorporating Bellis, Kennan, Gribble and Co) No. 44182.

Reg. No. 163 6545 54.


Brighouses Solicitors 2018.  All Rights Reserved.  Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of the website are accurate, but Brighouses Solicitors do not accept responsibility for errors or for information which is found to be misleading.  Suggestions or descriptions are for information only and Brighouses Solicitors accept no liability in respect thereof.  The information on the website refers only to the law of England and Wales and is intended only for residents of England and Wales.  Users should be aware that laws and regulations may be different outside England and Wales.


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